Why Does the Media Pay Attention to Lying Scum Bags Like Andrew Breitbart and James O'Keefe
Andrew Breitbart and convicted criminal James O'Keefe are promising to unveil another video. In assessing Breitbart and O'Keefe's claims, media should keep in mind their record of dishonest and illegal practices and their failed attempt to show that ACORN was engaging in criminal behavior.
Breitbart's "strategy": Withhold evidence and "deprive" people of "information"
O'Keefe is an admitted criminal
Breitbart and O'Keefe's ACORN scam exposed no criminality
Breitbart and O'Keefe criticized for selective editing and manipulating video
O'Keefe's video methods slammed by former employer
Breitbart and O'Keefe repeatedly misrepresented ACORN tapes
Breitbart threatened to release more tapes during election unless DOJ investigates ACORN
O'Keefe has received significant backing from right-wing funders
Since when did it become good journalistic ethics to act as a megaphone for wacko serial lying political hacks. When did the media stop acting as fact checkers on the loons.
Jon Stewart Debunks Glenn Beck's Claim That He Alone Showed Israeli Flotilla Raid Footage (VIDEO)