Wednesday, June 2, 2010

O'Keefe and Breitbart Confess to Crime. ABC News Helps Them Lie

O'Keefe and Breitbart launch Great American Rehab Tour on GMA

In fact, NewsCorpse compares O'Keefe's latest report to reality. As usual, there are pesky little details that expose his bias and tendency to lie yet again, and expose O'Keefe to the possibility of additional criminal charges.

So what we have here is O’Keefe confessing again to a crime. He knowingly signed the time sheet despite his having lied on it about the hours he worked. He knew that it was unlawful to do so, yet he did it anyway. This couldn’t be a more clear cut case. What’s more, there are laws against interfering with the conduct of the census. Since O’Keefe never intended to provide the services to which he agreed upon on employment, he could be liable for additional charges in that regard. And that’s not all. The Washington Post reports that O’Keefe may also have broken laws relating to surreptitiously recording Commerce Department conversations.

Update: Media Matters has an excellent summary, too.

This is the conservative media at work with the help of the so-called liberal media. ABC recites discredited report about ACORN and doesn't question the veracity of a couple of known liars, one of whom is a convicted felon.