Is National Reviews Andrew McCarthy Secretly A Genius?
Jonathan Bernstein looks at Andy McCarthy's bizarre conspiracy theory that the president is only attacking al-Qaeda to serve the larger cause of Islamic world domination, and senses brilliance:So conservatives think killing most or all al-Qaeda terrorists is the same as Obama playing right into their clever scheme. Why is it that conservatism is not treated like an inmate who has escaped from an asylum.
This isn't stupid; it's genius. McCarthy's plan is foolproof; it covers not only a lucky shot that hits bin Laden, but a complete victory over al-Qaeda. All part of Barack Obama's treasonous treachery. Notice, by the way, that it's only a "vibrant debate in Islamist circles." Nice touch; if by some chance Obama curtails the drone strikes, or is in any way defeated by bin Laden, then that will presumably prove that the "vibrant debate" was decided in favor of al-Qaeda, and Obama acted accordingly.
To assume that this is genius rather than idiocy, you have to assume that McCarthy is proposing this scenario as political strategy and not as, you know, non-fiction. But since McCarthy is the kind of guy who believes Obama might be an Indonesian citizen and draws parallels between Obama and Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinejad because sometimes Obama doesn't wear a tie (cough), and thinks William Ayers wrote Obama's autobiography, the more plausible explanation is that he's a conspiracy theorist laboring to keep pace with the hamster wheel of his own logic.
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