Wisconsin Republican Senate and the Values Candidate Ron Johnson
Today's honoree is a guy who has been an unyielding source of entertainment in the past two weeks: Wisconsin Republican Senate frontrunner Ron Johnson.Please, please, please vote for Rob Johnson he has proven himself to be the kind of two faced lying hypocrite we need in Washington. He''l bring back the corrupt corporate cronyism of the Bush years. Rob is also a caring person. He has the deepest symapthies for sexual predators,
In his campaign, Johnson has sold himself as a businessman who bootstrapped himself to greatness without any help from that damned intrusive government.
In an interview with 27 News on Aug. 17, Johnson railed against government subsidies for businesses and products.
"I'm in business," he said. "I have never lobbied for some special treatment or for a government payment."
He went on to say, "When you subsidize things...it doesn't work through the free market system very well."
According to a July 19, 1985, article published in the Oshkosh Northwestern, a $2.5 million industrial development revenue bond was approved by the Oshkosh Common Council on July 18, 1985. An article in the same newspaper, dated Feb. 16, 1986, said Pacur Inc., co-owned by Johnson, used the money to build a 40,000-square-foot addition.
So, to recap, when this guy's business needed to expand, where did he go? Right to the government (in this case, the municipal government).
This, from a guy whose website includes the snappy one-liner “Government doesn’t create jobs – the private sector creates jobs.”
WI GOP congressman supporting Ron Johnson surprised that Johnson supports Great Lakes oil drilling.
Ron Johnson, a wealthy business executive and leading Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin this year, is beginning to receive scrutiny for his far right views. He has been criticized recently for opposing an anti-sex offenders bill, the Child Victim Act, and for saying that he is “glad there’s global warming.”
Ron Johnson is ready to speak up for child molesting scumbags. Another example of the kind of compassionate conservatism America needs. Ron may not have any ideas about how to create jobs or manage the defcit, but he has typical conservative values and that is what counts.
Sen. Russ Feingold speaks up for traditional American values and the Constitution