Texas Republican House Candidate Caught Padding Resume And Plagiarizing An Obama Speech
Stefani Carter is a Republican House candidate in Texas’s 102nd District who rejected “the liberal line” to become a “proud conservative.” Boasting of her credentials as a “contributing editorial writer for USA Today and a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, one of the most well known conservative think tanks in Washington, D.C,” Carter is well-versed in the party line. She tells supporters she’s “no” on “more government debt” and that she “will fight any attempts” by President Obama “to force feed socialized medicine to Texas families.”M's Carter did what conservatives always do. Lacking any actual ideas of her own she repacked tired old corrupt corporatist conservative garbage - let BP run your lives America - and wrapped in the words of someone who actually has ideas.
But, while proudly rejecting the Obama’s progressive policies in Washington, Carter plagiarized a few of Obama’s “liberal lines” in her pursuit to get there. A video released by Lone Star Project this summer revealed Carter “reciting almost identical passages” from Obama’s 2004 keynote...
...While the Dallas County GOP Chairman dismissed her plagiarism as “petty” and “small ball,” he may have a harder time defending the more “hostile” and “absurd” tactics of Carter’s “amateur campaign.” According to counterfeitcarter.com, Carter recently sent a campaign staffer “with a camera to stalk” her opponent incumbent Rep. Carol Kent. He “was caught in a parking lot hiding between cars.” Carter also made “bizarre accusations” that “she had to call 911 twice because of suspicious vehicles parked at her campaign headquarters.”
Unsurprisingly, Carter’s dubious antics failed to win over her employers at Sayles Werbner law firm in Dallas, who endorsed and donated to Kent’s campaign. But Carter shouldn’t worry about the bosses she dismissed as “liberal Democrats,” because if acts of plagiarism and paranoid accusations guarantee anything, it’s a natural home with the GOP. (HT: Burnt Orange)
Carly Fiorina will do for California what she did for business
"[H-P's board members] lost faith in Carly...It is difficult to find anyone involved with H-P today -- board member, shareholder, employee, customer, analyst -- who isn't happy that Ms. Fiorina is gone..." - Wall Street Journal, "H-P lost faith in Carly, but not in merger," May 24, 2006Having failed in business Carly hopes to be rewarded for her failure with a job working for tax payers. Watch out tax payers!
"Fiorina was bad. Everyone seems to agree on this now... All in all, our judges seem to think Fiorina should win [the 'Worst Tech CEO' title]." - USA Today, "Can Fiorina trump competition for 'worst tech CEO' title?" February 16, 2005
"[Fiorina is] the worst because of her ruthless attack on the essence of this great company. She destroyed half the wealth of her investors and yet still earned almost $100 million in total payments for this destructive reign of terror." - Jeffrey Sonnenfeld of Yale University (USA Today, "Can Fiorina trump competition for 'worst tech CEO' title?" February 16, 2005)
Right-wing Republican Sharron Angle of Nevada Channels Bleeding Heart of Thomas Jefferson - Angle should learn Jefferson thought estate taxes were a good idea before citing him as an example of why we should do away with them entirely.
Memo to Forbes: D'Souza's "facts" are indeed in contention
Do all conservatives kids get a How to Write Conspiracy Theories Handbook when they're growing up.
In a September 9 Forbes cover story that has been praised by Newt Gingrich and Glenn Beck, Dinesh D'Souza asserts that President Obama's policies should be understood as a manifestation of his African father's "hatred of the colonial system." Forbes has said it "stands by the story" and that "no facts are in contention," but D'Souza's article contains numerous falsehoods and distortions.