Their Dirty Little Secret: GOP Republican Senators Say Bailouts Worked -- Just Please Don't Tell Anyone!
Perhaps the most fascinating political conundrum of the 2010 election is one faced by GOP senators, almost all of whom voted for TARP and supported some of the other bailouts in the thick of the financial crisis. The good news is that, for all their shortcomings, the bailouts did the trick, preventing a deeper economic crisis. The bad news is those bailouts are now considered political poison by the tea partying conservative base.John McCain still suffering from the same cloudy perceptions of reality he had during his presidential campaign when he could not decide what to call the TARP he voted for - it was either a bail-out or financial rescue depending on what day it was. America needs the befuddled and confused thinking that we all remember fondly from 2000 to 2008. Please return Republicans to the White House and Congress so we can have more fun with more financial meltdowns and wars to rebuild other countries while America goes down the tank.
That puts Republicans in a strange position: unable to say the legislation failed, but at pains to distance themselves from their vote nonetheless. Over the past couple days, I've asked a number of GOP senators whether, nearly two years later, they think the bailout bill was effective. Their answers were revealing.
Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH), who's retiring at the end of the year and is therefore unencumbered by the need to defend himself from the GOP base, has nothing to run away from.
"It was extremely effective," Gregg told me. "Not only was it effective and stabilized the financial industry, it also returned to the taxpayers almost $20 billion in interest and dividends that they would have otherwise not have."
America just loves and admires Sean Hannity. H e is not bothered by ethics, honor or Biblical prescriptions that forbid bearing false witness. Hell no. Sean tells the lies and spreads the propaganda that will demonize Democrats and get Republicans elected and that IS ALL THAT MATTERS -Hannity's double whammy: falsely claims Obama is cutting troops' pay and military spending. The fact is President Obama has increased spending for Defense by 3.4- more than the rate of inflation, but do not tell anyone.