The unofficial ringmaster of the Republican Party Rush Limbaugh is also a part-time scientist -
In the midst of a panel discussion on the massive BP oil spill that's contaminated the Gulf of Mexico in recent weeks, Maher took aim at Republican radio personality Rush Limbaugh, who only days prior whipped up a firestorm of rhetorical controversy by claiming that such pollution is "natural" and will simply go away.Limbaugh plans to have a oil tanker dumb a thousand gallons of crude oil into his Palm Beach mansion to prove that yes, it is all perfectly natural. As to why Governor Perry thinks God hates America? Well that is probably something else that the sages of conservatism also consider natural. Thank goodness the conservative movement has the kind of brain power displayed by Limbaugh and Perry.
"That's right, a petrochemical stew is very natural to wetlands," Maher scowled. "You know what, you dipshit? Mercury's natural too, but you don't put it in your Cheerios."
Another of Limbaugh's recent and patently untrue statements on the BP oil spill -- that "environmentalist wackos" were to blame for the Deepwater Horizon rig's destruction -- was also met with similar disdain by Maher, who scoffed: "Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty."
During his Friday broadcast, the liberal host also took aim at Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry, who suggested in a recent speech to the global warming denying Chamber of Commerce that the disaster was "just an act of God that happened."