Busy repeating GOP talking points on Fannie/Freddie, Fox News forgets to add the facts
On both "opinion" and "straight news" programs, Fox News has channeled the GOP talking points that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused the financial crisis and are "getting a free pass" because they are not overhauled by Democrats' financial regulatory reform legislation. But Fox repeatedly ignored that the Obama administration has initiated a separate effort to reform the housing finance system, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and have warned against moving too quickly on this front given the fragility of the housing market. Moreover, economists reject the notion that Fannie and Freddie were the root cause of the financial crisis.Fox also promotes right-wing fundamentalism - the philosophy of the Republican Taliban. One has to wonder if they skip over the part where it says thou shall not bare false witness or have they just crossed that part out with a magic marker. It's no surprise that Fox and conservatives think telling the most blatant lies is OK in the name of the cause - authoritarian zealots throughout history have done the same thing.
Once in a while a Republican will forget his oath of the National Kool-aid Drinking Conservative's Club and let lose with a moment of truth - For Republican Wordsmiths, Opposites Attract
In a rare moment of Republican candor, Tennessee Senator Bob Corker debunked the talking point at the center of the GOP's campaign to protect predatory Wall Street bankers. Bucking his party's leadership, Corker defended reform provisions charging banks to create a resolution fund for winding down failing institutions, calling it "anything but a bailout." In so doing, Corker exposed one of the GOP's famously tried and untrue tactics for peddling wildly unpopular Republican policies to the American people.Bob will run for re-election based on that one instance in which he was honest.