‘What are you so afraid of?’ Reid taunts GOP
Reid denounced the "absurd, stunning, unheard of" Republican resistance to starting debate on the measure until a middle-ground version has been worked out and accused the minority of siding with Wall Street over US families.Republicans and their tea party friends talk populist reform for over a year and when it came time for them to put their votes where their fake populism was , Republicans/tea baggers sided with special interests.
"Senate Republicans are claiming we're moving too fast," he said. "The American people undeniably demand we protect them from Wall Street, which has run wild."
Reid claimed that Republicans were too afraid to discuss the issue out in the open.
President Kennedy once said, 'Let us not be afraid of debate or discussion – let us encourage it.' I ask my Republican colleagues, What are you so afraid of?
As I have said before, the right response to disagreement is not dismissal; it is discussion.
For far too long there has been too much secrecy and too little transparency on Wall Street. The American people have paid the price with their jobs and their life savings, and they demand we fix what’s broken.
As long as Republicans insist on secrecy and resist transparency here in the Senate – and if they don’t let us address the problems we were sent here to solve – we will never fully recover.
[ ]..."I am deeply disappointed that Senate Republicans voted in a block against allowing a public debate on Wall Street reform to begin," Obama said in a statement.
Republicans "may believe that this obstruction is a good political strategy, and others may see delay as an opportunity to take this debate behind closed doors, where financial industry lobbyists can water down reform or kill it altogether," said Obama.