Did Obamacare's Cost Savings Just Evaporate? No. They merely took a moderate and unsurprising dip.
This revision derives from a May 11 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office that has congressional Republicans up in arms. "It was clearly irresponsible for Washington Democrats to force this legislation through Congress without being truthful about its full impact on the nation's finances," said House Minority Leader John Boehner. That isn't fair, because the new data wasn't available when the bill passed in March. My lowering of Obamacare's likely budget savings by $30 billion takes into account costs that, even when judged much smaller by the CBO in March, were never formally incorporated into the bill's price tag (and still haven't been). The reason for this has nothing to do with the Democrats, and everything to do with the arcana of budgetary accounting on Capitol Hill—as practiced by Democrat and Republican alike.
Michelle Malkin among other dumb as rocks right-wing Republicans linked to Boneheads comments without doing the math. Conservatives have never been ones to hurt their little brains and over-sized egos with homework.
During the month of March, CBO's 10-year savings estimates for the health care bill rose from $118 billion to $138 billion to $143 billion. Yet Boehner uttered not a peep of complaint about Democrats not "being truthful about its full impact on the nation's finances." That's because the bill's estimated cost was going down, not up. The fact is we can't know the precise extent to which the health reform law's tax increases, Medicare spending cuts, and new spending will balance out, because there are too many variables. But given the roughly $113 billion in government spending it currently looks like the bill will save, it seems a safe bet that Obamacare will be able to finance itself over the next decade. That's no minor accomplishment.Please!!! Pay attention to Bonehead and Malkin and vote for more conservative boneheads for Congress in 2010. Government needs more incompetent representatives.