Typical Conservative - Karl Rove Corrupt Serial Liar and Crazy as a Bed Bug
[G]iven the shape in which the last administration left this country, I'm not sure I would solicit his advice," Axelrod wrote.
Axelrod slammed the "spending spree" of Rove's former boss President George W. Bush, noting that he turned a "$236 billion budget surplus" into a "$1.3 trillion deficit" by the time he left office.
"During eight years in office, the Bush administration passed two major tax cuts skewed to the wealthiest Americans, enacted a costly Medicare prescription-drug benefit and waged two wars, without paying for any of it," he said.
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Axelrod claimed the previous administration's "fiscal responsibility" helped bring about the recession of 2008 and Obama's stimulus package "helped save our economy from an even deeper disaster."
"There's an old saying that everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts," Axelrod said. "I'd urge [Rove] to take that to heart."
Axelrod said Obama's health care plan won't add to the deficit over time -- as predicted by the Congressional Budget Office -- but didn't point out that the deficit for the 2009 fiscal year totaled $1.4 trillion.