The Crazy Class Of 2010: Meet The New GOP Stars
West betrayed the honor and dignity of the U.S. military, violated the Army field manual, endangered the lives of his fellow soldiers and violated the conventions against torture. What was the reaction of Republicans, hey we have to reward this traitor with a seat in Congress.
Allen West (R-FL)
Without a doubt, Allen West is going to become a new star all around -- adored on the right, and a bogeyman of the left. First of all, West built his conservative political career on a particular event from his own military service -- when he tortured an Iraqi policeman, and was proud of it.
Since then, his attitudes on foreign policy haven't changed much: "A nation goes to war against an ideology. We are against something that is a totalitarian, theocratic, political ideology, and it is called Islam."
Renee Ellmers (R-NC)Ellmers was not around for the protests against building Catholic churches in the 1800s. Apparently she is another conservative that believes the 1st amendment only applies when they're in the mood. Not surprisingly Ellmers has no plan for the economy, education, the environment or any other public policy.
What issue did Ellmers run on? Why, it was her vigorous anti-mosque campaigning. Check out this ad, in which Ellmers campaigned on her opposition to the Park 51 "Ground Zero Mosque," calling it a part of a historic Muslim pattern of creating "victory mosques" in places they have conquered:
This led to an interesting interview with Anderson Cooper, in which Cooper pointed out that all religious groups have built houses of worship in places they conquered -- such as the Catholic Church, for example. In response, Ellmers accused Cooper of being anti-Christian.
Tim Walberg (R-MI)Poor little Timmy has the same poor reading comprehension skills as many Republicans. President Obama's birth certificate might be one of the most scrutinized documents ever. Tim will be yet another embarrassment to the intelligence deprived conservative movement, wandering around in a daze asking if anyone has seen his drool cup.
Walberg is not actually new -- he's an previous guy coming back, and bringing new levels of The Crazy. He was first elected in 2006, as a Club For Growth primary challenger against moderate Republican Rep. Joe Schwarz. Then in 2008, he was defeated by Democrat Mark Schauer, then came back this year to win by 50%-45%.
So what gets him a place on our list? Well, during his time in the wilderness, as he was climbing back as a candidate, Walberg became birther-curious, telling a questioner at an event that the matter of the president's citizenship wasn't resolved. He also said that if he were Obama, he would show his birth certificate to various public officials and talk-radio hosts -- and that the matter could be handled through impeachment investigations if Republicans won a majority.