Despite Bashing 'Obamacare' As Unconstitutional, Joe Miller Admits He Got Government Health Care
Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller says his family benefited from Medicaid and a state-run health care program for low-income children and pregnant women.Miller belongs to a long line of Tea Nuts who have derided various government programs from which they benefited either directly or indirectly.
Miller previously acknowledged receiving federal farm subsidies for land he owned in Kansas in the 1990s, as well as low-income hunting and fishing licenses for him and his wife in Alaska.
As a conservative candidate, he's criticized certain entitlement programs. Sitting Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who's running for re-election as a write-in candidate against him, called Miller a hypocrite.
As The Huffington Post has reported, Miller on his campaign website clearly defines his position on the health care issue:
I support the repeal of ObamaCare. First and foremost, there is no Constitutional authority for it. Currently nearly half of the state governments have filed suit in federal court because they share this view.
Second, even if ObamaCare were Constitutional, its baseline benefit is built upon a crumbling foundation, and it will do nothing to control costs. This legislation adds millions of new beneficiaries to the already broken Medicaid program and relies in part on finding hundreds of billions in savings from the broken and going bankrupt Medicare program. The reimbursement rates on both of these programs are so low that many doctors in Alaska will not see patients or greatly limit the number of patients they will see.
The Tea Party-backed candidate has also reportedly communicated a desire to phase out Medicare.
Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) - Bachmann Farm Subsidies: Anti-Handout Rep. Personally Got $250K . In several polls of tea baggers many of them admit to receiving or even depending on government programs. What they seem to be against is the use of those programs by "other" people, but it is Ok for tea baggers to collect government benefits.
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Connecticut Republican right-winger and candidate for senate Linda McMahon's Body Count
Imagine if someone ran for the Senate on the strength of their experience as CEO of a billion-dollar company. Now imagine if, as an aside, their employees kept ending up dead. They would routinely die [1] of heart attacks, drug overdoses, suicides and strokes before the age of 50. Imagine if their company had put a "death clause [2]" in their contracts that prevented employees and their families from suing the company. Imagine if they had gag orders to prevent family members from speaking out against what could be fairly called the most dangerous working conditions in the United States. Imagine if this candidate was so sociopathic that she would look at this billion-dollar business built on broken bodies and death as a source of pride and even as a motivator for why she deserves the power of public office. And lastly, imagine the media happily joining in with the sociopathology and giving her a free pass.