Two months later, Fox discovers O'Reilly was used to sell Newsmax products
Fox News and Bill O'Reilly have denied knowing until this week that right-wing website Newsmax was using an interview with O'Reilly to sell its financial schemes. But Newsmax has used O'Reilly to sell financial products for months, and Fox News' Dick Morris has shilled for various Newsmax schemes for years.O'Reilly knows everything and is never wrong - at least according to his opinion of himself - yet here he is pleading blissful ignorance of any shady behavior.
Despite His Anti-Government Rhetoric, Gov. McDonnell’s Budget Surplus Results From Government Assistance
While most states are experiencing debilitating budget deficits, Virginia is “feeling flush” after turning a $1.8 billion deficit into a $403.2 million budget surplus at the close of the fiscal year. In a celebratory speech before the Virginia legislature Thursday, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) credited higher tax revenue, state agencies’ fiscal responsibility, and serious budget cuts for the state’s ability “to balance the books.”Rule One in America is that conservatives can act like the biggest lying hypocrites imaginable and get away with it simply because they are soooo... superior to everyone else.
McDonnell’s victory tour continued with a stop on the Fox Business network to tout “fiscal prudence and conservative budgeting” as “the key” to his surplus. When enamored host Gerri Willis asked him whether Washington “could learn something from Virginia,” McDonnell replied he hoped his fiscal responsibility in Richmond “would be a model for Washington”
...McDonnell’s “prudence” would be a shining example for the federal government if he hadn’t relied on one important contributor: the federal government. According to a Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis report released this week, last year’s Recovery Act provided $2.5 billion in stimulus relief to “maintain crucial services for [Virginia] citizens” and “help close the state’s budget shortfall in 2010-2012.”
Why do Republicans hate our freedoms - Republican Attacks on Muslims Threaten the Security of the United States, Are the Republicans terminally stupid or are they just playing the dangerous fool?