Bush former Chief of Staff and life long hater of Democracy and American values Karl Rove has written a book. In case anyone did not memorize the lies, distortions and opinions based on little voices inside Karl's head - Going Rove: Courage and Consequence is full of falsehoods
1. Rove distorts Senate report to claim Bush didn't "lie us into the war"Conservatives take another page out of the communist Joesph Stalin's playbook. Make accusations that have no merit. Yell them loud and often, Conservative media cast Democrats as "suicide bombers" in push for health care reform
2. Rove falsehood: Obama claims "Obamacare would not add to the deficit ... evidence shows just the opposite"
3. Rove revives tired smear that Gore wrongly said "that he had created the Internet"
4. Rove revives Gore-Love Story smear
5. Rove falsehood: Gore said he had "discovered the Love Canal chemical disaster"
6. Rove pals around with falsehood that Ayers was "Obama's great friend"
7. Rove wrong on number of presidents who left office by "assassination or resignation"
Reacting to progress on health care reform legislation, conservative media figures have repeatedly referred to President Obama and Democratic officials as "health care suicide bombers" and characterized their efforts to pass a bill as "a kamizake mission" and "political suicide missions."Darn I guess we'll all have to head up to the greeting card store and buy a goodbye card for the Republican draft dodger drug addict, Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes. Limbaugh has become a multi-millionaire from blowing hot air into a microphone. Most Americans think being honorable and truthful is a virtue, Limbaugh has a record of complete contempt for honorable behavior.
Study: 45,000 Americans die each year for lack of insurance