Ingraham's "D-plus" for Obama undermined by last year's rise in consumer confidence
38 minutes ago
On Fox & Friends, Laura Ingraham gave President Obama "a D-plus" on the economy and asserted that "consumer optimism" is "obviously down." But Ingraham's claim about "consumer optimism" ignores the fact that consumer confidence in December 2009 was 52.9, up from 38.0 in December 2008, an increase of 39 percent.Ingraham was a Bush supporter. Which goes hand in hand with being a supporter of the unregulated anything goes crush the middle-class kind of economy largely responsible for the Great Recession. If Ingraham has the least bit of humility or intelligence she would apologize to the nation for being an enabler of the free market chaos that has hurt so many Americans. Why do conservatives such as Laura hate America..
Carl Cameron Gets Chummy With Brown Supporters, Ducks Question Of Fox News’ Ethics
As Media Matters has documented, Fox News has boosted the campaign of State Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), the Republican running for special election to the U.S. Senate today. On multiple occasions, Fox News has provided a soapbox for Brown to solicit money and volunteers, and Fox News hosts have appealed for viewers to support Brown’s campaign.The answer to this abhorrent behavior is easy. Carl and Fox hate America, but they love conservatism. They would like America to think Conservatism and America are the same thing, yet it is truly rare that conservatives stand up for the liberties guaranteed in the Founder's Bill of Rights. They find those rights a hindrance to the authoritarian dystopia they want the U.S.A. to be.