Gretchen Carlson’s Hypocrisy Or Personality Disorder?
Gretchen Carlson is a committed Christian who, like Bill O’Reilly is full of moral indignation about the irreligiousity and sexual degeneracy of American culture. That being said, I wonder why she allows herself to be a part of Bill O’Reilly’s weekly “peep show,” otherwise known as “Culture Warriors, which features bodacious “booty” in an effort to analyze the deteriorating mores of an America under siege by evil libruls and atheists.Isn't that a personality disorder when you're obsessed with peaking into other people's personal lives.
Hatch: If GOP Controlled Government, We Would ‘Get This Country Under Control’
Last night, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) delivered an hour-long speech on the Senate floor condemning the Democratic health care reform bill and accusing Democrats of displaying “the arrogance of power” in trying to pass health reform before the holiday recess. Hatch predicted that if Republicans had 60 votes and control of all three branches of government, they would “get this country under control”Hatch is either ready for the funny farm or thinks every American is an idiot. Conservative controlled all three branches of government. A time during which they spent like "drunken sailors", lied us into a war, turned the Department of Justice into a branch of the Republican party, let Wall St run wild and designated flipping burgers at McDonalds as factory jobs to make their yearly lose of American manufacturing jobs not look so dismal.